Make A Difference
406-752-PAWS (7297)
PO Box 221,
100 Adopt A Pet Way
Kalispell, Montana 59903
Offering peace of mind…Planning for your pet’s future without you.
We love our pets dearly, and we expect to be there always to care for them. While most people outlive their pets, some do not, and more and more people are making estate plans for their pets in the event they can no longer care for them.
Under current law, you cannot leave money in your Will to your pet. You can, however, leave money to the Humane Society of Northwest Montana to be used for your pet’s care. This is a good arrangement for people who have concerns that their beloved pet will be well cared for in the event of their death.
The Humane Society of Northwest Montana has created the Legacy of Care to ensure a home for pets who outlive their owners.
Do you have a plan for the care of your pet?
How can you help with the ongoing care of homeless and needy animals in our community?
Where There’s a Will There is a Way…
A planned gift in a Will can take the form of cash, stock, bonds, real estate, personal property or other assets.
A planned gift is generally defined in one of three ways:
- A specific percentage of your estate
- A specific dollar amount
- A specific item (real estate or a painting, for example)
If you’re ready to begin your legacy with the Humane Society of Northwest Montana, we have a new resource for you. We’ve partnered with FreeWill to give you a free, online resource that guides you through writing your legally valid will in 20 minutes or less. Start your will and legacy today!
Other Opportunities For Legacy Giving…
A Will is, indeed, the most commonly used method for making planned gift at death. Other opportunities do exist, however, which may be used in combination with a Will or as a stand-alone vehicle. The Humane Society of Northwest Montana can be named as the beneficiary of your:
- Trust
- Retirement Plan
- Life Insurance Policy
- Financial Accounts
- Cash Accounts
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