About Us

Building The Dream – How we started

It seems like only yesterday that we marveled at our brand-new facility; A dream brought to reality by visionary benefactors who had the courage of their conviction to save homeless animals.

The realization of our dream of an adoption center began in the early winter months of 2002 with a generous donation from a family of long-time supporters. In the months that pursued, we broke ground in June 2003. Although our building was completed in 2004, it was our visionary friends who once again recognized the need to eliminate some residual construction debt in 2005 and spearheaded the single most successful, private fundraising event ever held in Montana. In appreciation for their generosity, the Humane Society building was dedicated in memory of Charlotte Edkins, a cherished mother and animal lover. Since that time the Charlotte Edkins Animal Adoption Center has been privileged to preserve Board Member Emeritus Claire Wilson’s legacy. We respectfully pay homage to Claire’s memory and honor her life and love for animals.

Realizing the Dream – Where we are now

In 2022 a new Executive Director, Stacie DaBolt, was hired. Stacie is a long-time animal advocate, with a career spanning over 25 years of animal welfare and safety in various shelter organizations throughout the U.S. Our NO-KILL shelter has had to overcome various obstacles, including a yearly 150K operating cost to keep the doors open after the pandemic. Stacie was able, through employee retention and hiring, to have a staff of 6 and recruit 60 plus volunteers including fosters. In early January 2024 the boiler room equipment broke, and we were forced to evacuate animals due to flooding and building damage. The Boiler Blues Fundraiser was quickly set up to re-coup the cost associated with fixing the equipment and insulating the attic to prevent future disasters. To help mitigate property tax from the unused back 10 acres, Stacie was able to fence in the property and hold, which has now become an annual event, All Things Dog, in the summer.

In the years that our animal adoption center has been in operation, thousands of animals have been adopted and given a second chance for a forever home. In addition to facilitating pet adoptions and providing temporary housing for homeless cats and dogs, our organization also offers solution-oriented service programs designed to help the community with animal welfare education and pet ownership assistance.

Living the Dream – Vision for the Future

Our robust adoption center continues to make strides finding the perfect homes for our adoptable pets and creating partnerships with our local veterinarians for spay and neuters as well as aging and mobility related issues.

There is a 5-year plan to complete a 10-acre dog campus complete with indoor facilities for training and hosting AKC registered events. Some of the other enrichment opportunities will be dive pools, sniff spots, Fast Cat events and agility courses, etc.